Carole Rabe

  • Carole Rabe paintings - Yellow Leaves
  • Pots on a Windowsill
  • Paper Whites
  • Floral Chair

Carole Rabe is an oil painter whose interiors and still lifes are created primarily from direct observation, as well as from sketches, photos, and imagination. Her immediate surroundings provide the imagery for her paintings. She is interested in the way light reveals and conceals form, and how it influences the color of objects. Her compositions explore relationships—between shapes, values, colors, objects, and the rectangle of the canvas. Human presence is implied in her paintings.


Green Light - Carole Rabe

Parts & Wholes
curated by Toby Gordon
Exhibit featuring Kate Emlen, Rick Fox, Tom Glover, Toby Gordon, Sarah Haskell, Amanda Case Millis, JoAnn Portalupi, Carole Rabe, and Jan L. Waldron

August 24 – September 29, 2024
Reception: Saturday, August 24, 5 – 7 pm
George Marshall Store Gallery
140 Lindsay Road, York, ME

Two Lilac Pillows - Carole Rabe

Danforth Museum Annual Juried Exhibition 2024
June 22 – September 24, 2024
Danforth Museum, Framingham, MA

Finding a Likeness Book - Carole Rabe

Check out my artwork, included in Nicholson Baker’s new book, Finding a Likeness: How I Got Somewhat Better at Art, Penguin Press, New York, 2024.

Finding a Likeness Book - Carole Rabe
Gingham - Carole Rabe

Galaray House Gallery and Cafe
Rotating art exhibits with some of my paintings on view.
1720 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA

Yellow Streak - Carole Rabe

November/December 2022 issue features an article, Painting with Paper, about my collage work, including a tutorial on how I created Yellow Reflection, above. Hard copy or online copy available at

Lamp Reflected - Carole Rabe

My paintings are included in a new book, Dynamic Still Life for Artists, by artist Sarah Sedwick. Available at most online bookstores.

Light's On - Carole Rabe

www.powersgallerycom has new work from Carole Rabe. Ongoing.

Seashells and Bird - Carole Rabe

While in beautiful Rockport, MA, visit the Robert Collins Gallery of Fine Art, 28 Bearskin Neck, Rockport, to see many of my paintings and collages.